Dear Prudence
Hi I am Laura, the founder of Dear Prudence.
The world of Dear Prudence is deeply entwined with nature and folklore - the character of animals, plants, trees, birds, the trappings and comforts of home and most of all, storytelling. My work is often inspired by my experience in with textiles. In my work I evoke the patterns, emotions and interwoven stories encapsulated by textiles to create emotive cards.
Proudly independent
A few favourite PIECEs
It was clear from a young age that I wanted to be an artist. My great uncle was a landscape painter and encouraged me to attend painting classes throughout my childhood. These classes are where I discovered the true escapism and happiness which comes from creating. I went on study at Glasgow School of Art, specialising in Printed Textiles. After completing a masters in Fashion I entered into the industry, only to discover that the cut-throat culture and fast pace of the fashion industry wasn't for me. Reconsidering my future, I re-located to Yorkshire and in a leap of faith Dear Prudence was born.
founder Credentials
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