Fox Roamer
Hove, East Sussex
Hello. My name is Alia Roberts, founder of FOX ROAMER.
We are a company that make leather carry goods that are unique in their concept of no sew and no throw. We create handmade bags here in East Sussex in our home studio. Because our bags are made from leather they have a longer lifespan and easily become heritage pieces. Rejecting a throw away culture is what we’re all about. Knowing the bag we carry is playing its part and looks good at the same time, is our essence.
In 2014 an idea came to mind whilst working on notebook designs. It was to create leather notebook covers for Christmas. I bought some leather and had a go. The leather cover was simple but beautiful. I loved designing and creating it, so I did more and that led to bag making. I started selling at craft fairs and then I opened a shop online.
The name Fox Roamer came about after a fox came for breakfast one morning. I’d wondered where she roamed, hence, Fox Roamer. The company ethos stands for handcrafted quality and traditional techniques, with a minimalist contemporary aesthetic and natural materials.
I would describe myself as a dreamer and a lover of simple but magical things. Objects we use and rely on without thought, that enhance our lives and bring joy. I hope every product that goes out into the world, will give as much pleasure as I have had making it.
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