Sarah Guild Floral Design
Hampshire, uk
Hello! I’m Sarah, Florist at Sarah Guild Floral Design.
A friend once said 'you always look happy with flowers in your hands' and it’s a mission of mine to share that feeling of joy by creating thoughtful handmade floral products.
My floristry is inspired by the seasons as they go by, and a deep-rooted passion to celebrate the magic of nature.
Everything I make is created using sustainable mechanics, wherever possible I like my work to look and feel like it’s still growing too.
Proudly independent
A few favourite PIECEs

Fresh Spring Wreath made with Moss, Bulbs & Flowers
Sarah Guild Floral Design
I started my business after moving to an old cottage in Hampshire about 10 years ago. I didn’t really know anyone when we moved here, so I went back to collect to learn Floristry with the hope of making some new friends.
I loved Floristry so much, I found career change too! Reconnecting with the seasons and surrounding myself with flowers ignited a childhood passion nature that had been dormant for years.
The first thing I learnt to make was a Christmas Wreath, the feeling of moss in my hands reminded me of childhood walks in Devon, I wanted to re-create the hedgerows I saw in and around the cottage and began selling wreaths to neighbours and friends.
I am genuinely never happier than when I am surrounded by foliage, have flowers in my hands and moss in my tea.
Thank you for visiting my Holly & Co store.
founder Credentials

Discover more products
From Sarah Guild Floral Design

Fresh Spring Wreath made with Moss, Bulbs & Flowers
Sarah Guild Floral Design

Christmas Sparkle Wreath With Crab Apples & Pepper Berries
Sarah Guild Floral Design
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