Denby, Derbyshire
Hello, I'm Emma - a Derbyshire lass with a dream of living a creative life and making treasures.
I started Bumbleblue as an Illustration graduate, hoping to use some of my artistic skills to make products that would make people smile and feel good.
Since becoming a mum to my little girl, my creations grew to include celebrating small people too. Personalised keepsakes and decorations became part of my designs, allowing me to fill my little ladies room with creativity and a bit of Bumbleblue magic.
Whether it's to remember, celebrate or to decorate, these hand painted pieces are all created with care to make the most special treasures for you and your home.
Thank you for popping over to see!
From an early age, I would never be without some paper and crayons. For hours I would sit and draw anything and everything that popped into my head. My Mum gave up a whole larder cupboard for us to fill with crafty bits and pieces, paper and pencils.
My family home was filled with furniture and curios collected over the years and each item had a story about where it had come from and who used to own it. I grew up with the ethos of looking after and treasuring things and watching my joiner Dad take care of unloved wooden pieces, I started to appreciate the character of natural materials.
A degree in Illustration cemented a love of stories, words and pictures and I was determined to build my own small business where I could use painted words to make thoughtful pieces for a home.
While still living in my parents beautiful blue house and delivering my early creations in my first car "Bumble" Bumbleblue was born!
founder Credentials