Debbie Fairbrass storefront image

Debbie Fairbrass

Folkestone, Kent

Inspired by the the natural world of Flora & Fauna, Debbie's all season wreaths are decorative botanical art pieces crafted by hand to mimic the magic and mystery of nature.

Each wreath is made using sustainable practices and will age beautifully over time developing a rich verdigris patina. This only adds to their charm and uniqueness. Every wreath is created with the intention of becoming treasured family heirlooms for generations to come.

The story behind the business
Meet Debbie Fairbrass

Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm an Irish artist living by the sea with my family in quirky Folkestone, Kent. My background is in accessory design until I discovered my love of working with copper and I began creating artisanal wreaths for clients all over the world.

All of my pieces are entirely made to order and I use sustainable practices which means there's zero waste. I use only the materials I need, so that my environmental impact is minimal.

There's something really magical about the aging process of copper and brass as it slowly develops that unmistakable green blue verdigris. The outcome of the aging process is different each time, making every single one of my wreaths totally unique, just like the person buying it!

I love the thought that I'm able to create unique ornamental art pieces that are everlasting and will hold stories within family homes everywhere.

founder Credentials

  • Female Founded Business
  • Neurodivergent Business
Debbie Fairbrass - storefront image


Debbie Fairbrass Heirlooms & Treasures

11 WestView,

Canterbury Road,


Kent CT195QJ

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