A photograph of Amy leaning against a wall wearing a red striped top and a leopard print neckerchief

Painted by Amy


I am a sign painter, gilder and artist based in Devon.

I undertook an apprenticeship with an experienced sign painter at the start of 2020 and immediately fell in love with gold leaf. A self-taught gilder with a background in fine art, I enjoy the playfulness of unexpected words juxtaposed with a decorative and traditional craft.

My favourite pieces include colour, some excellent word choices and considered detailing.

The story behind the business
Meet Painted by Amy

After a devastating injury to my right hand during freshers week back in 2002, I packed up my paintbrushes and left art college. Even though I went on to make a full-ish recovery (a medical phenomenon!) I found myself not quite following my dream.

It was after the birth of my first child that I decided to give up my stressful job and focus on something that made my soul sing. Luckily, people seemed to love what I was making, and Painted by Amy was formed. I feel a sense of gratitude every time I pick up a paintbrush, and I love sharing my passion for lettering and gilding with my customers.

founder Credentials

  • Female Founded Business
  • Neurodivergent Business
  • Socially Positive
amy in the studio surrounded by paintings including drinking in the morning sun


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