Mother’s Day gift ideas? Here’s how we can truly support women this year
For many reasons, Mother’s Day can be a highly emotional occasion. That’s why it’s up to us to be as thoughtful as possible to all the incredible women we know. Here’s some inspiration on how.

Mother’s Day gift ideas that reflect the truth of motherhood
The truth of motherhood, as far as I see it, is that as wonderful as it is for many mums, it can also be incredibly challenging and isolating for others. And the same can be said for Mother’s Day. Whether you’ve got a difficult relationship with your mum, you’ve lost your mum, you’ve always yearned to be a mother and for whatever reason it’s not happened — or you’re a single mum, a mum navigating those first years or the equally troubling teenage years, or you have suffered the very worst and lost a child even... The day isn’t a celebration for everyone.
Even for those who are having a less eventful time of it. If you are a mother, it’s just extremely tough isn’t it? It’s physically and mentally exhausting, at almost every stage of the journey and there are no gold stars along the way. Barely a thank you most of the time in fact! Yet when you consider what we achieve, it’s astounding. So shouldn’t we all do more to help support all those we know who really do deserve some extra thought on Mother’s Day? It’s why we’ve created all kinds of collections from gifts for mums going through a hard time or gifts for mums we admire, to Mother’s Day flowers (done differently) or even gifts for pet mums.
Honouring all kinds of mums this Mother’s Day
As well as helping all those whose hearts break a little every time they see a Mother’s Day advert, how can we honour those super women in our lives who have done — or are doing — an exemplary job of raising the next generation (something that will ultimately benefit us all)? I don’t mean the PMOIs (Perfect Mums Of Instagram). I mean the ones who just keep going, keep giving, keep teaching and keep loving, day after day, year after year. Or even if they’re not ‘Mum’ as such, there are the aunties, the stepmums, the grandmas, the maternal forces of our incredible friends, the dads who have to also be mums… their contributions can be immense.
They say it takes a village: who else deserves a Mother’s Day gift this year?
How do we show that we are in awe of their selflessness, patience, strength and the limitless pure love they give? Let’s face it, many deserve a fucking medal for lack of sleep alone! For me, this is exactly where small businesses come in, because they have thoughtful ideas for all kinds of situations — especially the small businesses at Holly & Co, as over 95% of them are women and 70% of those are mums. They know the witty one liners, the kind touches or meaningful nods that show we understand, and they turn them into incredible Mother’s Day gifts and Mother’s Day cards — all we need to do is use them.

Every Strong Woman, Personalised Original Art

Winging It Vintage Cigarette Card Screenprint
Maverick mums and winging it women: supporting all those we love
The other day we were talking in the office about men buying Mother’s Day gifts for their wives or partners and someone asked if we should really leave it up to them anyway? Do they have the insight? Isn’t this an occasion where we could all support each other, too? I did wonder about this. On the one hand, women do enough gift buying as it is considering that most of this kind of ‘emotional labour’ naturally falls to us — but on the other, don’t many of us know what it takes better than anyone? Aren’t we in a great position to help spread some extra thoughtfulness or make people feel seen? Wouldn’t a gift from your best friend thanking you for being an amazing mum mean the world anyway? Because it’s the love of all those around us that truly sees us through isn’t it? So let’s be there for each other. Let’s cheer each other on. Let’s work together to show the kind of gratitude that’s so utterly deserved.
Mother’s Day cards that say a thousand words
We all know how much a few beautiful words in an impromptu card can mean, too. A lovely, unexpected surprise to remind you that you’re loved or doing a bloody remarkable job, especially when there’s washing everywhere, too much screentime on the go and you’re wondering if you’ve done some kind of lasting damage for missing their first football game (you haven’t). Or a card for those you know who are going through something with their own mums. Motherhood can be a minefield whether you’re a mum yourself or not. That’s why I believe in helping everyone to feel our kindness this Mother’s Day (Sunday 10th March if you’re wondering). Especially those who need it the most.

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