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Magical Music Art Box for Children

LoLA - Lots of Lovely Art

£35.95 Delivery included

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    • Order placed
    • 14th March
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    • 18th March
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    • Standard delivery
    • 20th - 21st March
    • Express delivery
    • 19th - 20th March

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  • Made in the UK
Magical Music Art Box for Children
Art projects inspired by artists
Creative Projects for children to do at home
music inspired art projects to do at home
Picasso inspired guitar art project
art projects for children
art projects for children
art projects for children
art projects for children
art projects for children
art projects for children

Both art and music allow the artist to express their feelings and experiences…...

Both art and music allow the artist to express their feelings and experiences…
In this art box we look at how a variety of artists old and new portray musical instruments and musicians; at how they interpret sound in visual form; at how they use colour and music in tandem in their work; and finally at how some artists even designed album covers for bands and musicians!

A booklet introducing the theme, with information about artists, art styles and techniques.
Clear instructions on seven art projects, appropriate for children of any age (4+ years), with tips to tailor each project for younger children.
Includes LoLA book recommendations for further reading.
Plenty of quality art materials for your child: a 36-colour set of water-colour paints, a paint-brush, PVA glue, pipe-cleaners, a black marker, coloured paper, music-note paper and water-colour paper

The delivery options for this item are listed below (if it doesn't state 'Express delivery' then that option is not available for this product). As soon as you place your order, this small business will spring into action, get it ready and send it out... (and you can feel wonderful for supporting them).

Delivery options available

Standard delivery: included
Receive it by 20th - 21st March

Express delivery: £2.00
Receive it by 19th - 20th March

For more information about delivery or returning items, please take a look at our Delivery & Returns page.

LoLA - Lots of Lovely Art


LoLA creates art boxes, activity booklets and art sketchbooks inspired by artists and full of projects and creative ideas for children of all ages, so that you can bring a regular experience of art into your children’s lives at home.

Both Alara and Selina feel passionate about the arts and art education. They want to reach as many children as possible in the belief that process-based, artist-inspired experiences are an important way for children to:

• Develop problem-solving skills

• Think analytically

• Build self-confidence

• And to have fun!