Fill your home with motivation


It’s not always easy to stay on track but surrounding yourself with ways to keep your head strong is a very good place to start. Imagine waking up in a bedroom that makes you instantly smile or subconsciously seeing empowering messages around the house. How can that not do you good?! Ready to get motivated?

For furry family members

gifts for dogs, cats & other floofs

Our pets are often the real masters of the household, and as such, should be celebrated in style. From dog leads and bandannas, to cat toys and more, these pet accessories will have them behaving (for two minutes potentially...though that's not guaranteed).

Treat your home & garden

Our dream house and garden? One where every room — from the bedroom or bathroom to the dining room or kitchen — is filled with original, long lasting, joyful design. Why does home decor have to be boring? Or lighting, predictable? Let's even surprise the dog.